It seems kind of unnecessary to be writing on this blog because Japan hasn't met me, and I haven't met Japan yet. In fact, I am sitting at home in Edmonds, WA comfortably in our kitchen trying to figure this blog thing out. Putting all necessaryness aside, my time in western society is swiftly running away, and I hope that those of you who want to follow my adventures of teaching in Japan will have found this before I leave, so that when I get there and start writing, this blog is already saved on your bookmark bar and then you can read about my long plane ride ;).
Today my passport and visa got mailed back to me after I mailed it on Monday (impressive Japanese consulate). This is obviously WAY faster then I was anticipating, which is sweet, because now I can start looking for flights. The goal is to be in Sendai, Japan by July 7th, so keep your fingers crossed, and eyes peeled for my next post.
Blessings on your day,