Those of you that know me, you know that I do not like to be the center of attention. Ironically, the past few weeks have been just the opposite. I feel like I have learned a lot by being in the spotlight, and it has really humbled me in what I am doing here.
It all started a few weeks ago when I was commissioned and my church in Lynnwood, Grace Lutheran Church. Pastor Dan then proceeded in sharing a sermon that was directed specifically to me. It was not embarrassing, but set the bar for what I was going to be doing abroad. A couple of weeks went by and I was walking around Japan.
Now, I’m 6’2” which a pretty average height for Edmonds, WA; here I stick out like a sore thumb! I’m about a head taller then most men, and at least two heads taller then most women, and I need to duck through most doorways. I’ve been in a couple of restaurants, and no joke, it looks like we are sitting at a child’s table. The tables are a few inches lower, making the chairs shorter then normal. When I walk around, I see a lot of eyes lookin at me.
Sasaki Sensei (pastor Hisashi Sasaki) and I have had many conversations over the days leading up to Sunday, where I was able to share with him why I decided to come out to Japan. I told him that it is where I felt God was and is calling me. The only reason why this English teaching Job sounded appealing is because I get to do more then teach a foreign language. I get to be a light in the lives of Japanese people, in a nation that is searching for Truth. The church and I are both excited to see how God will use me with my student’s. This past Sunday, there was a welcoming service at the church where I work, and now attend. It was pretty amazing! Sasaki Sensei shared that I was called by God to come to Japan and save His people, just like Moses was told by got to set his people free, so part of the scripture reading was from exodus, the part where Moses was told by God to go to Egypt and save the Israelites. I don’t want to put myself up there with Moses by ANY means, just clearing that up. It was during and after that sermon that I really hit me as to why I am here. I have known that I wanted to be here to be a light to those around me, but the first day of classes is just around the corner, and the opportunity to start reaching and witnessing to people is drawing near.
This was another bar set before me, another challenge to live by everyday. The only why that I believe to live each day is by faith, and seeking direction from God. Faith and guidance that God will lead me though each struggle, valley or bump along the road. I have faith that He will give me strength to make it through each day. I feel blest to have so much prayer support coming from many different directions. Friends in Canada, friends in Washington, my family, Grace Lutheran Church, and now the seminary Church. Thank you so much for all of your prayers!
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