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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Showered With Food

Well, as most of you already know, I have returned to Japan. After being back in Edmonds for 2 months, I was eager to get back. I am so lucky to have great friends and family that made me feel so welcome while I was back; I had a great time. Once I got back, I stepped into the batters box right away and picked up right where I left off. The day after I got back, I got to help out with Saturday school, and then Sunday school the next day. That was a great time, but left my muscles soar for the next 5 days because I literally had a kid hanging on me the whole day, or I was running around playing capture the flag. But, all in all, it felt great to be back.

Tuesday was the start of my first week back. As I woke up on Tuesday morning I got to look ahead to a week of teaching 13 classes, just a weeee bit over whelming; considering I haven’t taught in 2 months. At that point, I was still trying to wrap my mind around that I was back in Japan. Even though I had already planned my lessons, I didn't really want to start class with teaching English. Remember, I haven’t seen any of my students in 2 months, I never said goodbye, and lots has happened that past two months. So, I felt it would be in poor taste if I started teaching without really catching up. This would prove to be easier with my adult classes than my elementary classes…so we played a few more games then usual in my younger classes.

If I were to give the week a score on a scale from 1 to 10, one being the worst week ever and 10 being the best week ever, I would give it a 7. It would be a ten except for the fact that it was a little bit of a tough teaching week, which was to be expected. Everything else in the week was and this past week has been amazing. Pretty much every day since I’ve been back, someone has given me a bag of groceries. I have so much food, I probs don’t need to go shopping for a month or two…not even kidding. Of course its great to get food right, but more then that, its been a little bit overwhelming how welcoming everyone is. This past Sunday we had a welcome back party for me after church. During the lunch, each table thought of a welcome back greeting, dance or song for me. Looking around at all that God has given me, and the people he has put in my life, I am truly blessed. Along with people giving me food, I have been busy accepting people invitations to come over to their house for lunch or dinner. Three different people had me over for some sort of meal, which didn’t seem necessary because I already have food coming out of my ears. But again, it all reminds me of how blessed I am.

I am really looking forward to teaching again, and trying to build this program throughout this year. Due to the earthquake, four students have quit due to relocation. Of course I was a little bummed to hear that they won’t be coming back, but I am happy to know that they are safe. There are 2 new students that will join in June, which I guess just leaves me at -2 from where I was before the earthquake.

More stories to come soon…

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