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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Movie Night

After my high school class two Fridays ago, I decided that it would be fun if we had a movie night. The idea came about due to one of the topics we where talking about in class, which happened to be movies. One of my students said that he liked Jacky Chan movies, which got me thinking…we should watch a Jacky Chan movie.

I asked my students if they had seen or heard of the movie Shanghi Noon. Turns out they hadn’t even heard of it, so I suggested we watch that movie. We all agreed that after class the following week would be a good time to watch it.
Jumping ahead a week to the Friday we watched the movie, I needed to think of a good place to watch it. My apartment is not an optimal spot because all I have is a bed, unless we all wanted to squeeze onto my bed and huddle around a lap top…which by the way couldn’t be mine because Japanese DVDs can’t be read by American lasers…or whatever that disk reader is called. Anywho, I quickly ruled out my pad. The church has a projector, so I got permission to use it with a DVD player and some speakers.

Hiromitsu helped me convert the dining room of the church into a comfortable, usable movie watching area. We brought in some nice couches and set up some tables for food. Him and his wife kindly donated some soda and chips. Hisashi and I ran out and got some more chips, and some delicious imports…Dr. Pepper and A&W. One of my students mom also hooked us up with some delicious bread and Chocolate.

There were 5 of us that watched the movie, myself, Hisashi, Asahi, Arato and Josh. Josh is a MK at the church. I’ve seen the move many many times, but it had been a while, so after it was all done, we quickly cleaned up the place and made it look like no one had even been there. Since everyone had a great time, I’m thinking that I’ll do a movie night with my high school guys once a month. So, if you have any suggestions for what we should watch in November, gimme a shout ;)

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