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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can't Keep Names Straight

I’m sure that everyone can relate to the difficulties and struggles with keeping peoples names straight. In my family, my mom could never get my brother Stephen’s name right. She would always call him Kristephen. It eventually got to the point where she would pay my brother a quarter every time she messed up his name. Well, I am finding that I have a similar problem with my students over here. Its pretty amazing how similar some of these names can be. I sure have a hard time keeping them all strait in my brain.

There are four students in my high school class…three of their names start with the letter “A”…I continually look at a student and call them by the wrong name. For some reason, I can’t keep Arakawa, Arato and Asahi straight in my mind. But that is probably the easiest to keep straight because the names are different enough once you get back the first letter. Here is a list of my student’s names that are difficult to keep straight:

Yuki, Yuuki, Yukine

Aya, Ayaha

Rina, Rino, Shio (Rino and Shio are sisters who sit next to each other in the same class...can't keep their names straight)

Mai, Mao, Miu, Mio, Moe (x2), Momoka, Momone

1 comment:

  1. I don't think names need to be too similar for people to forget, I have a friend that always call me Lisa, even though my name is Silje.. ;)

    Silje Hoel Fossen
